Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kristen Stewart Says Joan Jett Is Her Fashion Icon

Image of Kristen Stewart Says Joan Jett Is Her Fashion Icon

The star reveals who her biggest fashion icon is and spilled on her personal style in this new interview! Read on for new details!

Kristen Stewart, 22, is definitely known for her edgy yet laid-back sense of style, and while she's casual and cool, her look is definitely inspired by a personal fashion icon ' and now we finally know who it is! In a new interview with On magazine, K-Stew admits that Joan Jett had a large role in influencing her style.

'I liked her rocknroll style so much that it really influenced me. I already like jeans and leather jackets before playing in this movie though, but my rocknroll style developed thanks to playing Joan,' Kristen said of her role in The Runaways.

In addition, the SWATH star reveals that she doesn't consider herself a fashion icon. 'Some actors are probably really in to designer clothes but I am not one of them. Sure, I can like some clothes more than others, and it can be fun to get dressed up for different events, I do appreciate good designers. But I am mostly dressed in the same way' she admits, 'I did a photo shoot for a fashion magazine today, wearing exactly the same clothes I'm wearing now.'

While K-Stew is definitely known for her edgy style, it's been nice to see the star branching out of her comfort zone and changing up her style on the red carpet, despite what she says about constantly wearing the same clothes.

Kristen has really started expanding her look, and we've definitely seen less of her converse sneakers on the red carpet. However, in her interview, she tells On Magazine that she isn't fashionable at all. 'I wear the same clothes as I do now on the red carpet as well. I don't like heels so I have been to premieres in Converse sneakers, which some people think is dreadful' she laughs, 'I like black, but sometimes I get persuaded to wear brighter colors.'

'I think it feels silly to be talking about fashion. I am not fashionable' Kristen said.

Well, KStew, we hate to break it to you, but you ARE a fashion icon whether you want to believe it or not. While we definitely love to see her expanding her red carpet look with lavish gowns and designer dresses we will always give her props for starting the Converse sneakers trend and staying true to her true self.

What do you think Hollywoodlifers? Do YOU think KStew is fashionable? VOTE!

Taylor Casey

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